Perks of the job!

First Lady inauguration ballgowns (1 of 2)

Presidential silver

The George Washington Statue sculpted by Horatio Greenough in 1832

Checking out the first portable computer, a 1981 Osborne.

Altair 8800

Intels first cpu chip

The IBM Deep Blue chess computer. Defeated chess master Gary Kasparov in 1997.

Julia Child's kitchen (1 of 2)

Different materials tried by Thomas Edison in the development of the light bulb

1 of 3 photos from the power machinery exhibit.

1 of 3 photos from the American Maritime exhibit

A Southern Railway #1401 steam locomotive weighing in at 199 tons.

Uniform worn by George Washington dated 1789

Zouave uniform of the 5th New York volunteer infantry.

Confederate flag

M2A1 flamethrower, 60mm M2 mortar and shell,45cal m1 thompson submachine gun

UH-1 Huey helicopter

Medals of Honor

Charlie MaCarthy

"Dorothy's" red slippers

Minnie Pearl's hat

US flag draped over Pentagon following Sept. 11th 2001 attack