Bishop's Castle in Colorado-note guy on flying walkway
Pat & Terry w/sister-in-law on Harleys
Pat & Terry's house at the Lazy S Ranch in CO-from the bottom of the acreage
Pat & Terry's house at the Lazy S Ranch in CO-the view from the bluff enjoyed by Dad
Pat & Terry's house at the Lazy S Ranch in CO-the view from the bluff
Pat & Terry's house at the Lazy S Ranch in CO-Debbie cooking
Pat & Terry's house at the Lazy S Ranch in CO-Momma Dot
Bishop's Castle in Colorado
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-outer walkways w/mesh wire
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-the dragon's head
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-ceiling in main room
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-window @end of main room
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-main room
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-spiral staircase in one of the turrets
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-turret-note flying walkways from top
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-the level below the main room
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-more turrets and walkways
Bishop's Castle in Colorado-Dad w/miniature castle
CO-just south of Rye